We would like to advise the many Multi thousands of readers to our Blog and Other sites to beware of so called organized and reputable companies in the UK regarding either the clearance or shipping/courier of E Bikes and other related items within the UK.
We have unfortunately met with some scams when either shipping goods to the UK or arranging for Courier Companies to deliver goods.
With regards to the So Called shipping company based in Manchester UK, Cardinal Maritime Shipping we can only state that from our own experience of importing many thousands of e bikes into the UK this particular company do not meet our standard of acceptance.
we would therefore advise the many people who read this site and our other well established sites to take note of this !!
2 Other companies currently still trading Interlink and Citylink (A Rentokil Company) succeed in breaking or smashing goods during the delivery process with no recourse to the customer!!
Another company which has now been renamed Jade Dragon but formally Caircargo Of Slough and Oxfordshire cannot be recommended also because of their malpractices.
Please be advised.