Austin, Texas is certainly one of the leaders in the electric vehicle movement. The city has been thinking about ways to make a smart grid and plug-in hybrids a reality for a while, and city leaders are making the electric vehicles available today more affordable. Buyers of electric bikes, scooters and cars in the city can get rebates for their purchases. According to local TV station KVUE, the city handed out around $4,000 for 47 electric vehicles (so, around $85 a vehicle, and the money comes from Austin Energy) in 2007. Stacy Neef, Coordinator of the Clean Cities Program in Austin, told KVUE that, "There are several thing already in place to reduce vehicular emission in the Austin area and Central Texas, so this really does help to eliminate emissions." Keep it up, Austin. Related: Carbon emissions awareness, the Texas edition Austin, Texas, has visions of plug-in hybrids powering grid during peak hours Austin, TX wants to go with smart grid and plug-in hybrids
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