Wednesday, May 7, 2008

E Bike battery Thefts in China Astonishing

there are an Estimated 60 Million Electric Bicycles and E Scooters in China at this moment in time.
E Bike battery thefts are on the increase greatly.
Even an Old E Bike is not safe fro Thieves as the Two pictures Show!

More Uncared for E Bikes in China

On a recent visit to the Int Bike Show at Shanghai in April I saw several uncared for E Bikes and Scooters on the Road and amazingly most of them actually worked!!

Ken Livingstone on his E Bike

Here is a File picture of Ken Livingstone being Presented with an Electric Bike in September 2000 on Car free Day.
At that time his Assistants and Followers tried to stop the Presentation.
They must have known he would never ride it but tossed it aside in his offices to a fortunate assistant.
He prefers Buses and Taxis instead What a shame!
However Boris is here now and with Cameron riding his bike to work maybe we can give one to Boris! I am sure he would ride it!!